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The agencies listed below offer resources to small businesses throughout planning, launching, managing, and growing your business.

America’s SBDC

America’s SBDC helps Americans start, run, and grow their own businesses with free, face-to-face business consulting and low-cost training on writing business plans, accessing capital, marketing, regulatory compliance, and more.

Bizfilings Business Owners Toolkit

Bizfilings Business Owners Toolkit offers startup, marketing, and finance advice. It is the total know-how site for small business and entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneur Small Business Resource Center

Entrepreneur’s Small Business Resource Center helps small business owners learn the basics of business planning, the elements of business plans, and ways to save money in your business

Internal Revenue Service Small Business Tax Center

The IRS Small Business and Self-Employed Tax Center serves as a resource for tax forms, preparing and filing your taxes, the stages of owning a business, and much more.

Small Business Learning Center

The U.S. Small Business Administration Learning Center assists small business owners with online training, videos, chat sessions, and tools to help get your business started.

The National Federation of Independent Business

The NFIB’s mission is to promote and protect your right to own, operate and grow your business. You can find many resources for your small business on their website.

U.S. Department of Labor Small Business Resource Center

The U.S. Department of Labor Small Business Resource Center is designed to assist small business owners understand the rules and regulations the Department administers.