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town of Thorsby

Town Website

Welcome to the town of Thorsby

The town of Thorsby is located in Chilton County in central Alabama between Birmingham and Montgomery. The small, rural town is home to over 2,000 residents and a strong fruit farming industry. Nicknamed “Little Swede Town” for its Scandinavian founders, Thorsby celebrates its heritage by hosting an annual Swedish Fest in the Fall.

Core Services

Departments & Agencies

Small businesses often interact with counties on a departmental level. Access a list of municipality departments that oversee things from building regulations to utilities.

Business Licenses

Business licenses are often administered by the Municipality’s Office of the Probate Judge or the Department of Revenue. Access the Municipality business license application or contact information for obtaining a license here.


Access a primary municipality news source for the latest municipality information.

Contact Us

Find location, address, phone number, and contact form here.

  • P.O. Box 608
    Thorsby, AL 35171
  • (205) 646-3575