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city of Northport

City Website

Welcome to the city of Northport

The city of Northport is located in Tuscaloosa County in the west-central part of the state on the Black Warrior River, across from the city of Tuscaloosa. Each October, the city of Northport hosts the Kentuck Festival of the Arts in Kentuck Park. It features folk and contemporary art as well as traditional crafts, including pottery, quilting, and basketry. Northport is home almost 25,000 residents and several structures listed on the Alabama Register of Landmarks and Heritage.

Core Services

Business Licenses

Business licenses are often administered by the Municipality’s Office of the Probate Judge or the Department of Revenue. Access the Municipality business license application or contact information for obtaining a license here.

Tax Information

Businesses pay various taxes through municipality tax boards, tax assessors, and revenue departments. All entities that conduct business in the municipality should contact this office to determine their potential tax liabilities.

Departments & Agencies

Small businesses often interact with counties on a departmental level. Access a list of municipality departments that oversee things from building regulations to utilities.

Contact Us

Find location, address, phone number, city departments, and staff directory here.

  • 3500 McFarland Blvd.
    Northport, AL 35476
  • (205) 339-7000