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Picture of Jeremy L. Arthur, IOM

Jeremy L. Arthur, IOM

Chamber of Commerce Assoc. of AL
    Picture of Jimmy Baker

    Jimmy Baker

    Alabama Community College System
      Picture of Vernon Barnett

      Vernon Barnett

      Alabama Department of Revenue
        Picture of Kenneth Boswell

        Kenneth Boswell

        Alabama Department of Economic & Community Affairs
          Picture of Sonny Brasfield

          Sonny Brasfield

          Assoc. of County Commissions of AL
            Picture of George Buchanan

            George Buchanan

            Regions Financial Corporation
              Picture of Greg Canfield

              Greg Canfield

              Alabama Department of Commerce
                Picture of Jerry Mitchell

                Jerry Mitchell

                AL State Black Chamber of Comm.
                  Picture of Nichelle Nix

                  Nichelle Nix

                  Governor’s Office of Minority Affairs
                    Picture of Paulette Risher

                    Paulette Risher

                    Still Serving Veterans
                      Picture of Jim Searcy

                      Jim Searcy

                      Econ. Development Assoc. of AL
                        Picture of Ken Smith

                        Ken Smith

                        AL League of Municipalities
                          Picture of Fitzgerald Washington

                          Fitzgerald Washington

                          AL Department of Labor
                            Picture of Shane Kearney

                            Shane Kearney

                            Alabama Power Company